The media forgets how it destroyed Julia Gillard

We should never underestimate the ability of the mainstream media to employ double standards, engage in collective amnesia, and paint a rosy picture of the conservative world, a world quite detached from reality. Eddy Jokovich reports. Continue Reading →

Once upon a time in Canberra

The federal election is coming and Labor’s game of musical chairs is over. Eddy Jokovich reflects on the past three years of government and what the sector can expect from the political process in the future.

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Asylum seekers – the sad state of affairs

The site of Senators Kate Lundy and George Brandis slugging it out on Monday night’s episode of Q&A on ABC Television pretty much summed up the sad state of affairs in the national political debate on asylum seekers – lots of talk, argument, grandstanding, pontificating, blame, but not much listening.

This, of course, is not an issue that is going to go away quickly, and there are no easy solutions for the ALP, politically speaking.

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Breaking the silence on abuse

Child abuse was highlighted during 2002 with the allegation that a number of churches and institutions had covered up incidents of child sexual abuse. Eddy Jokovich looks at the history of child abuse in Australia and welcomes the end of one of our country’s great silences. Continue Reading →